Thursday, November 27, 2008

Pushing Daisies Headed to the Afterlife

Maybe I'm beating a dead horse, but I am extremely disappointed about the recent canceling of ABC's Pushing Daisies. For months, there was talk about the show getting murdered, but now it has finally come to fruition. At first, I thought the show was all style and no substance, but in its second season, the show's insanely kinetic energy, lively characters and candy-colored settings have grown on me. 

The facts are these: the protagonist Ned brings dead people back to life with a touch of his finger, but when he touches them again they die. This is a bizarre concept, but that's part of the fun. 
The problem with a show like Pushing Daisies is that it's a bit quirky for mainstream viewers. Most Americans like their shows to be predictable, formulaic, and semi-satisfying. Think CSI, ER, NCIS (are you noticing a pattern?) Maybe if Pushing Daisies changed its name to PD, more people would watch. I have to admit, there are times when the show can be a bit annoying with its overwhelming use of puns and fast-talking characters, but it's like sushi. At first, you're a little weary about it, but curiosity takes over and after you've eaten it a few times, you get addicted. Unfortunately, if you're thinking about giving it a try, you might be too late. 

However, there is a movement to get Pushing Daisies back on the air after the thirteenth episode. You can even sign a petition or at the very least check out Save Pushing Daisies. And hey, maybe we can return the favor and bring Ned and the gang back to life (no pun intended)

What do you think about the cancellation of Pushing Daisies?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Unbearable Solace of Bond: A Review of Quantum of Solace

If you are planning on seeing the new Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, be aware that it is a sequel to Casino Royale.  Quantum is the first sequel in the Bond franchise and this is just one of many problems with the film. I enjoyed Casino Royale all I remembered was a high-stakes poker game, Bond getting his balls whacked by a dude whose eye bleeds, and that it was Daniel Craig's first appearance as the iconic super spy. Though I am not the hugest Bond fan, I know that these movies work best when they are self-contained and do not bring back barely memorable characters like Mathis (Giancarlo Giannini). But, even if you remember that Vesper was the previous Bond girl's name, the plot is so convoluted it won't really matter.

From what I can remember (are you noticing a theme yet?), Bond is seeking revenge for the death of Vesper and somehow that is linked to  Dominic Greene (Mathieu Almalric), the leader of the Quantum group. Greene poses as an environmentalist, but he is planning a coup of Bolivia, so he can get control of the water supply. Wow, that sounds really boring doesn't it? Apparently, the writers and new director Mark Forster were going for a more politically and socially relevant film, which is fine, but this is a Bond movie after all. 

Look, there are tons of action scenes, which satisfies that wanna-be-hero in all of us, but after the first scene--Bond's Aston Martin is racing down a road while being chased by the bad guy--cut to Daniel Craig looking cool--cut back to bad guy looking mad--oh no here comes a giant truck! You get the idea, right? Maybe it's the new director or maybe I've overdosed on long, elaborate chases scenes, but after awhile, it becomes monotonous. And I know that Bond is not a super hero, but  during a chase scene, the guy literally bounces from roof to roof like a godamn trampoliner. 

Here's the biggest flaw: the movie is humorless. Where is the witty banter between Bond and the villian, the sarcastic quips? Casino Royale is by no means Wedding Crashers, but when Bond is poisoned by the villian and nearly goes into cardiac arrest, he comes back to the poker game and replies: "I'm sorry. The last hand nearly killed me." Yes it's dumb, but in Craig's deadpan droll, it makes you chuckle. Like many critics, I'm a Daniel Craig fan; he has a strong presence and the man can kick some ass, but enough with the broodiness, ultra-violence, and utter lack of humor. In a way, it makes me miss, dare I say it, Pierce Brosnan. However, I have faith that Craig and the writers will get it together and give me a Bond film that I can remember five minutes after I leave the theater. What was the Bond girl's name again, Maria? Carla? Cute girl with a Spanish accent? 

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dollhouse Sent to the Doghouse

It was recently announced that Joss Whedon's upcoming show Dollhouse will now be shown on Friday nights. If you're a fan of Whedon, then you know that he is the man responsible for creating genre classics Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly. His last foray into television was the critically acclaimed Firefly, which was cancelled after only 11 episodes. By now, the shit that went down has become TV Lore (Fox didn't show the first episode, fans tried to resurrect the show, DVD sales went through the roof, and a movie was made). Now, Whedon's new show, which will premiere in February of 2009, has been scheduled for Friday nights. For Whedon fans, this is exactly what we were dreading--another death sentence. 


The show, starring Buffy alumni Eliza Dushku is a risky proposition. According to Entertainment Weekly, the show is "about a creepy organization that strips people of their personalities." If you've seen the previews, the show looks intense, sexy, mysterious, and dark. Compared to other faux sci-fi shows like Fox's beloved Fringe, which by the way is the reason why Dollhouse has been sent to the doghouse, it's hard to not be ecstatic about Whedon's imminent return to TV.  Whether you're a fan of Whedon's shows or someone who appreciates quality television, it's up to you to get the word out and create a buzz so the show can grow and evolve. I will keep you updated as we get closer to premiere date. Check out the trailer.